Diaspora Registration Tips & Tricks

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    The website is notoriously slow and buggy — be patient, but also try a different browser if the one you’re using isn’t working.

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    When creating your account, check your spam folder if the validation email doesn’t arrive in your inbox.

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    Once you receive the validation email, copy and paste the link provided — clicking on it will not work.

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    When uploading documents, if it keeps returning you to the main page, or spinning endlessly, try compressing your documents to decrease their size. You can compress jpeg or png files here or here, or pdf files here.

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    When searching the electoral list for your name, it is best to search in Arabic. You can then make changes/edit it on the spot. An Arabic registration will also be approved more quickly. If you need assistance, contact us here.

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    If you’re registering from the US, fill in ALL address fields, even if they’re not mandatory.

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    When searching for your name on the electoral list ONLY fill in the required sections marked with an asterisk (*). Leave all other sections blank.

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    Scan the front and back of your Lebanese ID on ONE page. (There is only one space for each document)

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    If your passport starts with LR, then scan BOTH pages — your photo page, and the page above it.

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    Valid residency documents include: a foreign passport, a driver license, or a work/school permit.

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    It’s okay if your documents (passport/visa etc) are currently expired. You can still register with the expired documents as long as you either have them renewed by the time you vote, or have proof that they are in the process of being renewed.

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    If your name is different on ANY documents, then you need to also provide a copy of your name change document

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    If your ID does not have a “Secondary Register Number” then you can leave that blank.

    For Example, if your ID says XXX/YY, then XXX will be the Register Number, and YY will be the Secondary Register Number. If you do not have a slash with numbers after it, however, then you do NOT have a Secondary Register Number and can leave that field blank.

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    After registration is complete, you will receive a confirmation message on the screen. Within a week after that, you will receive an email that either confirms your registration was successful, or requests additional information.
    If more than a week has passed, check with your local embassy/consulate.

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    If you’ve tried different browsers, and compressing your files before uploading, and still aren’t having success, then try registering from you mobile phone.

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    If you are in the US, and are unsure which embassy/consulate your state belongs to, click here.

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    If you get an email request for additional documents, send them as soon as possible. It’s possible that your file/registration will be deleted if they’re not received in a timely manner.

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