Nahwal Watan is a platform for political change and socio-economic renewal.
Driving change by enabling the emergence of qualified, independent-minded, and honest political leaders who are committed to serving the national interest, as well as the constituents who hold them accountable.
Nahwal Watan believes change will be realised through shared political principles:
Non-sectarian system that protects all Lebanese citizens
Administrative decentralization
Sovereignty and non-alignment — Lebanon’s interests come first
Independent judiciary and the rule of law
Freedom of speech and assembly
Free market principles through inclusive growth
Gender equality in all areas of public life
Nahwal Watan vows that they are:
Not a political party/lobby group/ think tank
Focused on all regions of Lebanon
Committed to best-in-class governance
Does not have any partisan interests
Will not be running for public office in the 2022 elections
Have no allegiance to any political party
Remain transparent about motives, relationships, alliances and finances
Remain non-sectarian and do not discriminate against any Lebanese citizen or group
Elections 2022:
Mobilizing and maximizing voter turnout
Enabling an electoral coalition for emerging political parties and groups; independent candidates, youth groups, and civil society
Supporting credible candidate choices
Facilitating a single opposition list driven by the coalition