Diaspora Voter Registration Dashboard
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Because if the number of registered diaspora voters is too low, then your right to vote from abroad may be cancelled entirely. This would deprive many Lebanese citizens the right to have their voice heard. Now is the time to get ready by deciding where you will vote.
There’s been a lot of confusion about the electoral dates (still tbd), and the 6-seats Diaspora Law (click for latest). While there are still many scenarios, there’s only one main decision you need to make right now — can you commit to being in Lebanon to vote, or is abroad your only option?
Because of the uncertainty of the diaspora vote, Sawti’s advice remains the same: if you CAN travel to Lebanon for election day, then do NOT register to vote from abroad.
If, however, you CANNOT travel to Lebanon, and you already know this, then DO REGISTER NOW. Regardless of what may happen with dates and seats, it’s important for registration numbers to rise each week!
Again, if you know for certain you cannot travel to Lebanon to vote, then there’s no benefit in waiting to register.
It is more important right now for registration numbers to continue to rise so that interest can be accurately gauged by your fellow citizens who are also making this decision.
If you still have questions, contact Sawti!