Sawti Ambassador Onboarding Feedback Name * First Name Last Name Email * Current City of Residence * In which district do you vote? Akkar Aley Ashrafieh Baabda Baalbeck-Hermel Bachoura Batroun Bint Jbeil Bsharre Chouf Dar Mreisse Dinnieh Jbeil Jezzine Keserwan Koura Marjayoun-Hasbaya Mazraa Medewar Metn Minet El-Hosn Minieh Mousaytbe Nabatieh Port Ras Beirut Rmeil Saida Saifi Tripoli Tyre West Bekaa-Rashaya Zahle Zahrani (Saida Villages) Zgharta Zkak El-Blat What are your general thoughts on the Sawti onboarding session? What worked particularly well? Which aspects did you find most useful? How can Sawti enhance this onboarding session? Which aspects of the presentation were unclear or unhelpful? What would you like to see covered? What are your general thoughts on the Sawti onboarding document? What worked particularly well? Which aspects did you find most useful? How can Sawti enhance this onboarding document? Did Sawti leave you with any unanswered questions? What tools or resources do you think would be useful for ambassadors to have on the ground? Are you interested in becoming a Sawti ambassador to help us take back parliament in 2022? * Yes No Undecided, I need more info Thank you for taking the time to fill out Sawti’s onboarding feedback form! We appreciate your input, and aim to implement as many changes as possible moving forward. We will be in touch shortly, but you can contact Sawti here at any time if you have questions. Cheers!- The Sawti Team